Before Your First Tournament

  1. Create Your NSDA Account

Create your NSDA Student Account

Use the link below to create your student profile and account. This will follow you throughout your competitive career and enable you to utilize specific member-only resources of the NSDA website. You also need an account in order to begin receiving NSDA merit points resulting from your competition at tournaments!

  • Enter your information as you would on any official site (name capitalizations, etc).

  • Make sure to “link your account” to our school profile (it will prompt you on the page after you create your account)

  • If you are an 8th grader, be sure to link to the middle school roster — “Albuquerque Academy Middle”

2. Import to Tabroom Account

Create your Account

You will also need a account to compete. This is the website used to run tournaments and is where you will access your round pairings, judges, ballots, and feedback.

If you have made your NSDA account made in Step 1, you can import it over! Otherwise, make a new account:

  • Include your cell phone number and provider

  • For Time Zone, use "Denver" (for MST)

  • On the next page, try "Are you a competitor? Link to your account." If you don’t show up, no worries! The final step below will allow us to manually add you to our team’s Tabroom roster

  • All students should also complete the Tabroom Competitor Info form to finalize their account.

3. Explore Event Resources

Explore all Event Resources

Once you have made your necessary accounts and signed up for your first tournament, you are ready to focus on preparing for your event! You should plan to familiarize yourself with the Competition Events Guide for your event, the NSDA event resources, and specific rules for your event available in the NSDA High School Unified Manual. We also have resources available in our team Slack (make sure you have joined your event’s main channel). If desired, you can also do any of the Student Self-Paced learning modules available from the NSDA.

Your event captains and coaches will be amazing resources as well! Feel free to ask them questions at practice, in your event’s Slack channel (other people may have the same question and benefit from you asking!), or DM them on Slack.