What to Wear
Speech & Debate encourages students to look professional. Within that expectation, there is flexibility. It is commonplace to see Speech & Debate competitors wearing business casual clothing such as matching suit sets, button-downs and/or blouses, ties, dress shoes, closed-toe pumps, etc. However, we acknowledge and recognize that societal expectations about what constitutes professional dress are all too often racialized, gendered, classist, ableist, and/or conflict with personal values, culture, and religion. Taking that into account, we expect students to dress comfortably, appropriately, more professionally than they would on a typical school day, and in a way that is true to themselves. Concerns or questions about attire should be brought to the attention of the coaching staff, who will provide guidance on a case-by-case basis. If professional clothing is desired but not available to a student, please communicate with coaches, as we have some hand-me-downs from over the years and may be able to help source or provide some.
Remember: the most important thing is that you are comfortable and that you are proud of the person you are presenting to the world. Let us know if we can help.