Student Billing
To facilitate competition, the team handles registration fees and travel costs associated with tournament competition and then reconciles those costs via student billing through AA’s accounting office. Billing is usually sent within a month after a tournament.
Local Tournaments
The average local tournament fee is roughly $10 per person per event. Depending on its location and access to food, we sometimes purchase meals as a group, which is then billed to student families on top of the registration fee or other associated costs.
National Tournaments
For out-of-state national circuit tournaments, the school will cover $250 per student per trip, with any additional cost moving to student billing. If your family receives tuition assistance, the same assistance will be applied to your student billing. The average national tournament registration fee may cost up to $50 per person per event, excluding additional judge fees. These tournaments can be much more expensive, often requiring flights, multiple nights of hotel stays, rental cars, and hired judging, so families are encouraged to make the best decisions for them. There are wonderful competitive opportunities located both near and far however!
Please email Elise Matton ( with any questions or concerns.