V. Sue Cleveland — Eye of the Storm

Fri–Sat, January 31st – February 1st (1/31-2/1)

The sixth and final regular-season local tournament featuring our main Speech & Debate events concludes with the Eye of the Storm hosted by V. Sue Cleveland High School in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.

Students compete in their main Speech and/or Debate events in a traditional two-day tournament. This means competitors will have preliminary rounds before breaking to additional elimination rounds featuring the top-performing students. The top-placing students in elimination rounds will receive awards.

This is a great final opportunity for interested students to compete this year, particularly if they haven’t gotten to yet, and for students to get practice prior to the State Championship!

This is also the LAST of the six total local tournaments available during our season, so we strongly encourage signing up.

Specific event information, schedule, and the tournament invitation are available via the Tabroom.com link:


Registration is due no later than Wednesday, 1/15 at 4:00pm.

If this is your first tournament, please complete all of the following tasks BEFORE registering: Before Your First Tournament

Schedule Considerations

  • Debaters will miss their D Block classes on Friday, 1/31. Speech students will not miss class.

  • Tournament conflicts with Winter Ball on Saturday, 2/1 (students are welcome to attend Winter Ball after end of the tournament)

  • Tournament conflicts with Youth All-State Chorus

  • Tournament conflicts with Science Olympiad