CSU Long Beach — Jack Howe

Sat–Mon, September 28th–30th (9/28—9/30)

The first national circuit tournament of our season begins with CSU Long Beach’s Jack Howe Memorial Tournament in Long Beach, California.

This is a great opportunity for experienced members of the team who would like to pursue in-person national circuit competitions and is one of four total pre-season national circuit tournaments available this year. This tournament is especially for those who have gotten a jump-start on preparation for the year and are willing to put in considerable work during August and September.

Please note that registration fees and costs are higher for national circuit competitions, and may include higher registration fees, multi-night hotel rooms, rental cars, and occasionally, hired judging fees. The school will pay for $250 of the total cost of the tournament, with additional costs billed to families in proportion to their Tuition Assistance. See Student Billing for more information.

Specific events offered, schedule, and the tournament invitation with additional tournament information available via the Tabroom.com link: CSU Long Beach — Jack Howe 2024

Applications for Registration are due no later than Monday, 9/2 at 7:00pm.

Only students with extensive previous competitive history on the team are eligible for consideration.

Schedule Considerations

  • Travel itinerary will depend on exact entries, but students should anticipate missing class on Friday, September 27th (Day 5 — C, D, A, and B classes)

  • There is an Ex-Ed River Trip for Ex-Ed students this same weekend.

  • The tournament falls during the same weekend as East Mountain (the first local tournament of the season). Students are strongly encouraged to weigh whether it is best for them to consider competing in Long Beach vs. East Mountain. Varsity members are expected to help support new members and novices regardless of which tournament they attend.